In circle of this world is running on a bunch of creations which a man invented. In this world creation is one of the important part so, the people who need the creation they never be happy with sort of one creation, almost a man need a large amount of innovations in a day or life. Regarding to the creations media is the biggest innovation, man who take usage of a media as I earlier mention that man need a collection of creation to live they used many types of communication methods in this world .a gathering of a media which man crated to communicate each other’s is call multimedia and the man innovated it and make some new changes to a session making new scope in anthology communication method call creative multimedia, to more briefly
A man invented the media using creativity of human been so, what is a creativity?, Creativity or Creativeness Is a “Mental Process Involving the Generation of New Idea or Concepts or New Associations between Existing Ideas or Concepts’ is call creativity”. Creativity is the head of multimedia. Multimedia is Transmission that combines media of communication (text and graphics and sound etc.)But, these days the term "multimedia" has new meaning today. Multimedia now describes the ability to combine text, high-quality graphics, sound, animation, photo images, and video into a “single interactive presentation in conjunction with computing technology”. An example of multimedia is a” web page on the topic of Mozart that has text regarding the composer along with an audio file of some of his music and can even include a video of his music being played in a hall”.
` The term Multimedia is said to date back to 1965 and was used to describe a show by the Exploding Plastic Inevitable. The show included a performance that integrated music, cinema, special lighting and human performance. Today, the word multimedia is used quite frequently, from DVD's to CD ROMs to even a magazine that includes text and pictures.
The basic elements of multimedia on a computer are:
•Text •Still images •Sound •Movies •Animations •Special Effects The combination of the multimedia and creativeness is call creative multimedia which a man invented to converse each other or entertain each other.
Now these day most popular and wanted multimedia events are special effect and animation movies combination of these 3 parts which making product process is the most successfully mission in this world such as, Avatar, Wall-E, Harrypotter, Spiderman etc…, if we focus on to this categorize in this current world to create all those products they used a special tool to represent the true effect of character which can be more reality, more effect and which makes good attraction of the peoples. The name of the tool is motion capture machine.
What is a motion capture? As a reference of an Alberta menthe Books motion capture is a creation of 3d representation of live performance which moments digitally recorded. The technique was originally function of a body like how the muscle and emotion being act and expressed as well, for the computer animators giving an ability to make non human character more life- like and this is the one of the best cause why these movies are begin more victorious than other movies. Motion capture has become a necessary tool in the entertainment trade, giving computer animators the skill to make non-human characters more realistic. “It's a technology used in animated films and television as well as video games. Historically, motion capture in animated movies was created using an extension of the rot scoping technique”. In this technique, an actor is filmed making certain movements or gestures while wearing censored dress that can capture is moments. Each censor point in each frame of film is then manually encoded into the computer. As animation software improved, it became possible to apply A coding to attach them to a 3d object since to take realistic character moment is pretty hard but using mo-cap machine ,Thanks to hard work by the manufacturers of motion capture systems as well as numerous software developers, motion capture has become a feasible tool for the generation of animation. Software tools for working with motion-captured data, such as Motion Builder ,PLLX3-advance 3d visuals, machinery vision camera etc….,
In a motion capturing there 3 types of capturing methods such as, Mechanical, Optical and Electromagnetic (magnetic) each one hold the complete steps of the motion capturing method as well as I earlier mention there are many software’s in this world to used capture still the many companies they used their own software’s that software’s are not for sale because, every software tools hold a secret technique of capturing real emotion regarding to the creators this the most powerful weapon in this animation industries. So, the motion capture is the world most successful and most wanted tools in this world of creative multimedia.