Wednesday, July 28, 2010

creative idea :)

image website(1):
image website(2):

creative idea :)

image website:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


in the year 20010 peaple will fill the mortar with rose water ..its a very nice smell water and its very good for the skin ...the brid will shower in the mortar befor her wedding day... when she wants to get in the mortar she will have to step on the pastle and then get in beacause the mortar is so high :)


in the year 20010 people will use the mortar and pestle as music instrument.
it can be use in the muzic that requier fun and lowd sound :)


in the year 20010 the people will start using mortar and pestle as a pool ... they can fill the mortar with sea water ...and then they will use the pestle as a loofa to clean up thier bodies
this will be like a medical treatment :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


there is two types of mind mapping and each one is different from the other.. so you have to decied witch one works for you and for your brainstorming.

* the first mind mapping is the LOGICAL MIND MAP, this mind mapping is based on the direct informations that are related directly to the subject you chose..witch means the word in the center of the map will be related directly to every other word in the map and will have an obvious relation.

* the second mind mapping is the ASSOCIATED MIND MAP,this mind mapping is more open and you have more freedom because you will try to just write what ever pops to your the end you will get alot of differened information and ideas might seem unrelated with the subjusct you chose but it is related to it in some how but not directly.

the logical mind mapping has a pure connection to the streotype...but what is the streotype??
well..streotype is opinion or an image that categorize people or things...etc in groups.

so how is it related to logical mind mapping ?
well..since the logical mind mapping is based on the obvious and the direct relation between the thoughts or words and the main subject ... that means you need to categorize your ideas and information in a way that will make it directly connected to the subject.
for example: if the subject in my mind map is(my life)and am using the logical mind map ...when i put the thoughts i'll put them in groups such as , the things that i like to do in my life like ; swimming ,dancing and watchig TV ..i'll put all of these as my hobbies ...witch means this is a streotype ..i'll put all of the activities in one group witch is my hobbies, so from this we can see the relationship between streotype and logical mind mapping.

this is my mind map :)
you can click on the picture and then you can see it in a bigger size.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The history and its significance to the society

the history was and will always be the biggest source of informaition and knowledge.
we should appreciate history and its significance in having shaped civilisation instead just commiting facts to memory,information , comunications and culture.

history should be learned to improve civilisation and extract valuble lessons.

when you study history you will learn more a bout courage, wisdome and sacrifice when you study the history of war, love stories,music and faritales ... you will learn alot from the stories and the facts you can undrestand a society from it's history.
knowing history means you will be able to identifi life and to identifi your self will know who you are ,where you are from and where are you going .

from history we get the ideas and inspiration to solve the problems we face in life ....when you learn the history that will give you a big push in life to achieve the best in life.

image website:

novelty , creativity , innovation and invention !!!

creativity is mostly about finding and creating new ideas to solve problems or to create something that is useful for the society.
to create a unique and useful idea u need to use your brain , witch means you need to think smart and you should be wise ,because when you are thinking smart that means you will be able to find more ideas to face what ever that is standing on your way or create what ever you and your people need ... but the thing is your invention or creative work may not be acceptable because it might be presented and published in a wrong time or a wrong place and when that happen ...your work wont be considered as unique or creative at that time although it might actually be creative.

so in the end if you want your work to be named as unique and creative you must first consider the society and it's needs.

novelty is the power to bring a new ideas to the table, but most of the time you can't claim originality, because during the process of creating something you will need inspiration, you will need a light to guid you along the way and you will get that from looking around you and trying to find inspiration ... you can get it from previous art work of another artist or from any thing a round you...but you should never copy anything ...just take an old idea and present it in a new way or take one problem and find other solioutions for it.

innovation is the process of creating something new that will be useful for the creater and for his\her society witch means the idea must surve the need of the society for it to be an invention.



this is a novelty design for a clock

this is a creative idea by an artist
he found anew way to show the peacock bird


this is a new idea for a bike

this is a new invention that was created in 2008
its a laptop for kisd, its easy to use and carry..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

McDonalds in Japan (new)

website :

Defining Creativity !!

alot of people have this misundrestanding in creativity and being creative,

they think that being creative means u have to creat brand new ideas witch is totally untrue.

creativity means the a bility to present an old idea in a new way, create something unique and new and finding solioutions for the problems we face in our dayly life.

u dont have to be an artis or a designer to be creative... because we need creativity all the time when we face problems in life ... the thing is ... creativity comes when there is a need for it ...if you are facing a big problem and you need to get out of it you will find that your brain will start finding many diffirent and creative solioutions.

as a creative person you have to be able to analize , think deeply and see the world in a diffirenet new way ... dont just look ...but feel , hear and have to use all your sences to be able to see the world in adeep and meaninigful way.

alot of people also think that all the creative people should be 100% smart witch is also not true ... it is true that most of the creative famous work a round the world were created by geniuses such as Leonardo da vonci , Micheal angelo and Einstein ...but the fact is they did not depend entirely on thier brains but they actually worked very hard for thier work to be unique.

thomas edison once said :''creativity is an attitued , combine with effort , 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration''

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