* the first mind mapping is the LOGICAL MIND MAP, this mind mapping is based on the direct informations that are related directly to the subject you chose..witch means the word in the center of the map will be related directly to every other word in the map and will have an obvious relation.
* the second mind mapping is the ASSOCIATED MIND MAP,this mind mapping is more open and you have more freedom because you will try to just write what ever pops to your head..in the end you will get alot of differened information and ideas ..it might seem unrelated with the subjusct you chose but it is related to it in some how but not directly.
the logical mind mapping has a pure connection to the streotype...but what is the streotype??
well..streotype is opinion or an image that categorize people or things...etc in groups.
so how is it related to logical mind mapping ?
well..since the logical mind mapping is based on the obvious and the direct relation between the thoughts or words and the main subject ... that means you need to categorize your ideas and information in a way that will make it directly connected to the subject.
for example: if the subject in my mind map is(my life)and am using the logical mind map ...when i put the thoughts i'll put them in groups such as , the things that i like to do in my life like ; swimming ,dancing and watchig TV ..i'll put all of these as my hobbies ...witch means this is a streotype ..i'll put all of the activities in one group witch is my hobbies, so from this we can see the relationship between streotype and logical mind mapping.
this is my mind map :)
you can click on the picture and then you can see it in a bigger size.
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